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QR Code Generators and Readers

What is a QR Code?

QR code (quick response code) is a type of 2D bar code that is often used to provide access to information through a smart device.
QR Code Generators

 I create most of my QR codes using This 

site is user friendly and allows many ways to create a QR code. When I want to create a more personalized QR code with an image, I use QRCodeMonkey. This site allows you to input a logo or image in your QR Code. Here is an example of one I created that links to my twitter page.

QR Code Readers

1. Barcode Scanner – the overall best-liked scanner app for Android as it scans barcodes as well as QR Codes and works especially well on the Android platform. Downloads from Google Play and Android Market to all Android Smartphones.
2. I-Nigma Barcode Scanner – scans one-dimensional codes (EAN, UPC) and two-dimensional codes (QR, Datamatrix). Incredibly fast and very simple to use, it’s pre-installed on all Japanese mobile devices. Downloads from Google Play and Android Market to all Android Smartphones.
3. QR Droid – an excellent app that scans QR Codes in all orientations – works very well with the Visual QR Codes. All you have to do is open the app, point it at the QR Code and zap! It scans it. Downloads from Google Play and Android Market to all Android Smartphones.


1. QR Reader for iPhone – scans incredibly quickly with a large range of usability and sharing options. Allows you to open information from the QR Code with other apps and saves all of your scan history to save you time. Compatible with all iPhone devices and downloads free from the App Store on iTunes.
2. Zapper scanner – an excellent app that scans QR Codes in all orientations – works very well with the Visual QR Codes. All you have to do is open the app, point it at the QR Code and zap! It scans it. Downloads free from the App Store on iTunes.
3. QR Scanner – scans QR Codes very quickly and manages to read codes that aren’t completely aligned with the scanner’s screen. Also allows you to customize the apps that launch whenever a code is scanned. Compatible with iPhone iOS 5 and downloads free from the App Store on iTunes.
4. i-Nigma 4 Scanner– scans one-dimensional codes (EAN, UPC) and two-dimensional codes (QR, Datamatrix). Incredibly fast and very simple to use, it works very well with colorful and reversed QR Codes and has customization and sharing options. 

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