I love integrating tech with writing in my classroom Not only are the students engaged during rotations, the students become more independent writers. I observed that writing was the hardest thing for my Kindergarten students to stay on task. So, I decided to create activities to make writing more fun and interactive. The first thing I create was a sight word word wall using qrvoice.net. Students could scan the word to hear it. I used velcro to attach the words so that students could get the word they need and take it back to their seat when writing. I couldn't believe that I was no longer being interrupted by students to ask how to spell a word.
Next, I decided to make the writing even more fun by creating a mystery writing station where students scan a QR Code to hear a topic to write about. I used the Tellagami app to create the video that students would see when they scan the QR code.
This is an example of the what the students see when they scan the QR Code